85% Consumers Prefer In-Store Shopping!

Ecommerce has been banging in the last few years and everybody has been loving it so far. However, there are still many shopaholics who love going for a quick (and rather lengthy) shopping spree in the brick and mortar store. And these shopaholics aren't few; according to a survey conducted by Time Trade research, 85% people still prefer in-store shopping over virtual shopping through ecommerce Magento shopping app.

This preference is certainly not because of any drawbacks in the now advanced ecommerce solution, but rather because of the fact that consumers want to experience the product before buying it. Moreover, people also don’t want to wait for the shipment period and rather get the product instantly. They also want actual mouth of advocacy to influence their shopping decisions, for example from a Shopping Assistant.

So, does it affect ecommerce? Yes, it does because the U.S consumers alone will be spending $5 trillion by the year 2020 in actual physical stores. This would be a huge loss for ecommerce outlets. So, what can the online retailers and business owners do in such an event?

Since businesses involved in ecommerce usually have multiple channels to generate income, a lot can be done to improve the experience of these channels, such as online mobile shopping app. If they offer the same level of experience and personalization to each customer, they can easily survive and maintain a good hold on the market share. So, basically it all comes down to what the consumer want, or at least what do those 85% of consumers want.

"Online business owners can start by including minor, but big changes in their customer service for its shopping app."

They can offer following few services to encourage people to shop more online:

Super Fast Delivery
Local business owners should step up the game and start offering same day super fast delivery to their customers so that customers don’t feel lag in the delivery time. Businesses offering national and international delivery can collaborate with local partners to deliver products super fast.

Receive First , Pay Later
The ideal way to encourage people to shop online is to offer them convenience in paying for a product. Cash on delivery is the most convenient way for customers to pay. Make it your policy that your customer receives the order first, check it and then pay for it. This will render the exact in-store experience, without having them to wait in long checkout aisles.

Easy Returns, Refunds & Cancellation
Many customers think it is still easy to get a refund over a returned product in an actual store. It is however equally easy to get it done online. Enforce a very flexible returns and refunds policy, also allowing the customers to cancel a product as they want. This will help your customers understand that shopping online through app is far easy than dealing with a Shopping assistant in store.

Business owners must now realize that technology does not limits, it empowers every phase of our life and so it can be used to generate an unmatched shopping experience for customers that satisfies them. By making simple upgrades in the ecommerce magento mobile app, online retailers can easily increase and retain a huge number of shoppers. 

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